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Raspberry (8) RPI (8)

Dienstag, 30. Januar 2018

Rasberry Zero W basic installation

All based on Raspberry Zero W with an "Debian Stretch" installed!

Here's an introduction on how to get your new Raspberry Zero W up and running without using a monitor.

Download the software we need:
  1. Download image „Raspbian Stretch Lite“
  2. Win32DiskImager
Now connect the SD card for the Raspberry to the computer, using a card reader and write the image to the SD card using Win32DiskImager.

Now we have to teach the written image that the Raspberry automatically connects to our Wifi network when booting and the SSH server is started. We can do that with two files in the boot partition.

1.) Create the file wpa_supplicant.conf on the drive named Boot and add the following content (Please change the SSID and PSK to the settings of your WIFI network).

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

  ssid="Der ssid deines Wifi"
  psk="Dein geheimes Passwort"

2.) Create an empty file named ssh in the root of the partition.

After that it should look like this on the drive.

Now we insert the SD card into the RPI and provide it with power. After some time he should have automatically connected to the Wifi network and be found under the name raspberry. 
(This may take a few minutes for update the DNS)
You can then just test if everything works, by a ping of the DNS name raspberry:

ping raspberry

4.)  Access SSH over the standard User:
user: pi
password: raspberry

5.) After login over SSH we should start these commands

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo raspi-config

Now we configure our raspberry with assistance of  raspi-config :
  • at first set a new Password
  • set an new Hostname: Network Options ->Hostname
  • configure WIFI contry: Localisation Options-> Change Wi-fi Country
  • Expand SD-Card: Advanced Options->Expand Filesystem
  • Configure the memory: Advanced Options->Memory Split  16MB 
  • close Raspi-config and reboot.

So now your Raspberry should be ready,
have fun with your new gadget!

Matthias Zartmann

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